Each quarter, students will work on two long (3-week) experiment projects. In-lab work is done during scheduled 4-hour lab periods, but there will also be substantial out-of-lab work required (in the form of preparation, meetings with TAs and/or group members, analysis, and writing).
Students will work in pairs when possible. Lab partners will share data and are welcome to talk and share ideas, but are expected to do independent analysis and submit independent assignments.
Each project will have the following outline:
Lab sessions are held in KPTC 005/009. Groups meeting on Wednesday or Friday meet from 1:30 to 5:20 pm. Groups meeting on Tuesday or Thursday meet from 2:00 to 5:50 pm. (See course calendar for specific dates.)
Each experiment will be graded out of a total of 100 points, meaning that (for two experiments per quarter) there are 200 points total available for the course. The breakdown is as follows:
In-lab assignments are graded as “complete/incomplete” and can be attempted up until the end of the third day in lab. Out-of-lab assignments are graded on quality.
Rubrics are provided for most assignments. The rubrics are meant to serve as a guide to important points to be covered. The rubrics also serve to make TA grading more consistent.
Each item on a rubric will be graded on a 4.0 scale. A typical rubric will have several items, each of which is divided into 5 levels of completion: good (4), adequate (3), needs improvement (2), inadequate (1) and missing (0). These categories correspond to letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F respectively. The final letter grade for an assignment may be found by converting each item's evaluation to a 4.0 scale and averaging the results.
EXAMPLE: If a rubric has 5 items and you receive 3 'good' and 2 'adequate' evaluations, your grade would be (3*4 + 2*3)/ 5 = 3.6, which is roughly an A- letter grade.
EXAMPLE: If a rubric has 6 items and you receive 2 'good', 1 'adequate', 1 'needs improvement', and 2 'inadequate' evaluations, your grade would be (2*4 + 1*3 + 1*2 + 2*1)/6 = 2.5, which is roughly a B- letter grade.
Students should ask to have all in-lab exercises evaluated by lab instructors before the end of the third day in lab. Any exercise which is not deemed “complete” by that time will be graded as a zero.
In-lab exercises will not be accepted late.
Out-of-lab assignments are due one week after the end of the third day in lab. Work will be accepted late, but will receive a penalty of 5% per day (up to a maximum of 3 days). After 3 days, students must meet with lab instructors to discuss the situation before continuing with the course.
If a student plans to be late with a report or analysis, they may use grace days to extend their deadline.
All coursework must be submitted before the start of Finals Week in order to allow TAs to complete grading without interfering with their own class and final exam schedules. Work will not be accepted after this date without prior arrangement. If you believe you have extenuating circumstances and will require additional time, contact the lab staff and course instructor as soon as reasonably possible; do not wait until the end of the quarter.