PHYS 21101-21102-21103

Course Administration

Course Calendar

The PHYS 21101 Autumn 2024 Course Calendar is available as a PDF download here.

Note the following:

  • Monday lecture section runs 3:30-4:20 pm in KPTC 120.
  • Tuesday and Thursday lab sections run 2:00-5:50 pm.
  • Wednesday and Friday lab sections run 1:30-5:20 pm.
  • All assignments are due at 5:00 pm on the due date shown.

Contact Information

Experiment Assignments

Essential Course Reading

The pages below are considered essential reading for students in PHYS 211. You should look over and understand everything in these pages on Day 1 of the course. Refer to them whenever you have any questions about how the course operates or what is expected for your work.

During the first few weeks of Autumn Quarter, we will be using the following tutorials:

Finally, we have developed many pages of supplemental material that can serve as references as you work in the lab or write your reports.

How do I get to the labs?


The instructional laboratory staff is always interested in feedback. Let us know if you find typos or mistakes, or let us know if you have comments about what you like or don't like about the lab experience.

Please use our Online Feedback Form to leave anonymous (or non-anonymous) comments.